The management of Pablo Schroeder S.L. knows that the only way to maintain and improve its present position is to show the quality level reached by its products and by the managing process. Due to this and after winning the quality certificate, we start a process of Continuous Improvement.

This Continuous Improvement process implies:
Knowing and identifying the lookouts and requirements of our clients in order to improve our services.
Developing the quality improvement with our suppliers, promoting the mutual understanding of the problems so as to get a continuous improvement of the quality and reliability of supplies.
Planning and conducting the enterprise's management guides which help the process of continuous improvement.
Promoting and increasing the sharing of the enterprise's staff to fulfil tasks dedicated to quality improvement.
Determining failures and errors so as to cast aside their causes and avoid their repetition in the future.

The consolidation of this process is, above all, responsibility of the board of directors. Because of it I undertake these aims:
To set and give the necessary resources to the enterprise to manage the process of continuous improvement.
To have periodic reviews of the system to guarantee the correct order of those functions, established by the enterprise's Quality Book.
To set periodic quality goals which define and support the started Improvement process.
To report the staff of Pablo Schroeder S.L. on the evolution of the enterprise and the achieved Improvement.

Hernani, 22th, June, 2004


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